Title - Shirdi Sai Baba's Ashirvad, Relief Sculpture
Size - 11 L x 3 W x 12 cm H (cm)
Weight - 800 to 900 gram
Medium - Brass
Shirdi Sai Baba's Ashirvad, Relief Sculpture
This is the first relief bust sculpture of shirdi sai baba sculpted by Vineesh Vijayan. Sculpture's poster is Baba giving Ashirvaad .
Baba's face is sculpted with intricare detailings of facial features, skin textures and hair detailings with a very pleasant smile on his face. All detailings carved in masterpiece clay model is precisely transformed into Brass.
* Good for keeping in Pooja room
* Portable artwork, can be carried in hand while travelling
* Washable, Abhishekam can be done